The Personal Data Protection Act, 2010 (“Act”) regulates the processing of personal data in commercial transactions. The Act requires Boustead Curve Sdn. Bhd. (“the Curve”) to inform you about personal data that is collected from you and processed by the Curve.
The terms “personal data”, “processing”, “commercial transactions” and “relevant person” used in this Data Protection Notice (“Notice”) shall have the meaning prescribed in the Act. For the purposes of this Notice the expression “we” or “us” shall refer to Boustead Curve Sdn. Bhd., whilst, the expression “you” or “your” shall refer and include the subscriber, customer and/or relevant person seeking or requesting the services from the Curve.
We process your personal data including personal data of any relevant person. This Notice shall apply to the relevant person and you warrant to the Curve that you have the authority, or have been authorized by the relevant person, to the provision of personal data of the relevant person to the Curve for the purposes and disclosure as stated in this Notice and you undertake to extend a copy of this Notice to the relevant person. The provision of this Notice shall be deemed as notice given to and consent obtained from the relevant person.
The personal data provided by you in our forms, agreements, website and/or other similar documents or usage of CCTV systems in the Curve’s properties may include information concerning name, identity card number, passport number, address, gender, date of birth, phone numbers, email address, race nationality and CCTV images (collectively “Personal Data”).
You hereby confirm that the Personal Data given by you or obtained from you is sufficient, accurate, complete and not misleading and that such Personal Data is necessary for us to provide our services to you. If you choose not to provide such Personal Data (such as name, identity card number, passport number, address, phone numbers and email address) or if such Personal Data is insufficient, inaccurate, incomplete and/or misleading, the Curve may not be able to provide you with the services you require or the required level of service.
You hereby confirm that the Personal Data given by you or obtained from you is sufficient, accurate, complete and not misleading and that such Personal Data is necessary for us to provide our services to you. If you choose not to provide such Personal Data (such as name, identity card number, passport number, address, phone numbers and email address) or if such Personal Data is insufficient, inaccurate, incomplete and/or misleading, the Curve may not be able to provide you with the services you require or the required level of service.
- to facilitate commercial transactions with you and fulfill contractual obligations to you if any including without limitation the preparation of any relevant agreements if any and for maintaining our own accounts and records in the ordinary course of our business;
- to verify your identity, responding to requests, updating your records, performing customer support and services, provide other requested goods and services in the ordinary course of our business;
- to facilitate special requirements such as those relating to any disability or medical condition which may effect the chosen services;
- to communicate with you via SMS, phone call, email, fax, mail and/or any other appropriate communication channels;
- to notify you of any marketing, sale or promotion of the Curve’s services and/or selected companies offered by the Curve’s co-marketing partner or service providers and/or any changes to our products, goods, facilities, services, loyalty programmes which may affect you and/or providing you with our newsletters, periodicals, lucky draws, contests and/or surveys via SMS, phone call, email, fax, mail and/or any other appropriate communication channels unless you have otherwise notified us that you do not wish for us to process your Personal Data for such purpose at the address stated below in this Notice;
- your participation in lucky draws and contests conducted by us or on our behalf;
- public disclosure and use of your Personal Data, images, photographs, voice and video recording for publicity purposes without payment or compensation if you become a winner in a contest;
- the use of CCTV systems for crime prevention;
- to enforce contractual and legal rights and obligations; and
- to meet legal and regulatory requirements.
In order to deliver the services you require, you hereby consent to the Curve the disclosure of your Personal Data to the following parties (within and/or outside Malaysia):
- our parent company, subsidiaries, related and associated companies;
- our employees, consultants, accountants, auditors, lawyers, advisors, contractors, vendors or service providers to provide customer support and services to you such as promotional offers, proposals, newsletters, credit card payment processing, your participation in lucky draws, contests and/or surveys;
- any actual or proposed assignee, transferee, participant or sub-participant of Boustead Curve Sdn. Bhd.’s rights or business;
- your immediate family members and/or emergency contact person as may be notified to Boustead Curve Sdn Bhd from time to time;
- where required by law, legal processes, queries from the relevant authorities and/or matters relating to the life and death, security or property of an individual or the security or property of a corporation;
- the general public by publishing your Personal Data, images, photographs, voice and video recording for publicity purposes without payment or compensation if you become a winner in a contest.
We take all reasonable precautions to protect the security of your Personal Data and to ensure that the Personal Data we collect, use and disclose is accurate, complete and up-to-date. If you would like to make any inquiries or complaints, do contact or write to us at the address stated below:
Advertising & Promotion Department
Boustead Curve Sdn. Bhd.
2nd Floor, the Curve
No. 6 Jalan PJU 7/3
Mutiara Damansara
47810 Petaling Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel: 603-77113636
Fax: 603-77103868
You have a right to access or correct your Personal Data. If you would like to do so, do contact or write to us at the above address. You are to put your request in writing for security reasons and verification purposes. In accordance with the Act, the Curve will charge prescribed processing fee for all data access request made by you. In the event we refuse to adhere to your request for access or correction to your Personal Data we will inform you of our reason for the refusal.
We may review and update this Notice from time to time to reflect changes in the PDPA. The latest version of the Notice will be made available upon your request at the above address or available at
In the event of any inconsistency between the English version and the Bahasa Malaysia version of this Notice, the English version shall prevail over the Bahasa Malaysia version.
Notis Data Peribadi
Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi 2010 (“Akta”) mengatur pemprosesan data peribadi dalam transaksi perdagangan. Akta ini mengkehendaki Boustead Curve Sdn. Bhd. (“the Curve”) untuk memberitahu anda tentang data peribadi yang diperolehi dari anda dan diproses oleh the Curve.
Terma yang digunakan di dalam Notis Perlindungan Data (“Notis”) seperti “data peribadi”, “pemprosesan” “transaksi perdagangan” dan “orang yang relevan” akan mempunyai makna seperti dinyatakan di dalam Akta. Untuk tujuan Notis ini pernyataan “kami” atau “kita” adalah merujuk kepada Boustead Curve Sdn. Bhd., manakala, pernyataan “anda” atau “kamu” adalah merujuk kepada dan termasuk pelanggan tetap, pelanggan dan/atau orang yang relevan yang mencari atau memohon perkhidmatan dari the Curve.
Kami memproses data peribadi anda termasuk data peribadi mana-mana orang yang relevan. Notis ini adalah terpakai kepada orang yang relevan dan anda menjamin kepada the Curve yang anda mempunyai kuasa, atau telah dibenarkan oleh orang yang relevan, untuk mengemukakan peruntukan data peribadi orang yang relevan kepada the Curve untuk tujuan dan pendedahan seperti yang dinyatakan di Notis ini dan anda berakujanji untuk memberikan satu salinan Notis ini kepada orang yang relevan itu. Peruntukan Notis ini akan dianggap sebagai notis telah diberikan kepada dan persetujuan telah diperolehi dari orang yang relevan itu.
Data peribadi yang diberikan oleh anda di dalam borang-borang kami, perjanjian, laman web dan/atau dokumen lain yang sama atau penggunaan sistem CCTV di premis the Curve mungkin termasuk maklumat seperti nama, nombor kad pengenalan, nombor pasport, alamat, jantina, tarikh lahir, nombor telefon, alamat e-mel, keturunan kewarganegaraan dan imej CCTV (secara kolektif “Data Peribadi”).
Anda dengan ini mengesahkan bahawa Data Peribadi yang diberikan oleh anda atau diperolehi dari anda adalah mencukupi, tepat, sempurna dan tidak mengelirukan dan Data Peribadi sedemikian adalah perlu bagi kami untuk kami memberikan perkhidmatan kami kepada anda. Jika anda memilih untuk tidak memberikan Data Peribadi sedemikian (seperti nama, nombor kad pengenalan, nombor pasport, alamat, nombor telefon dan alamat e-mel) atau jika Data Peribadi sedemikian adalah kurang, tidak tepat, tidak lengkap dan/atau mengelirukan, the Curve mungkin tidak dapat memberikan anda perkhidmatan yang anda perlukan atau tahap perkhidmatan yang dikehendaki.
Anda dengan ini bersetuju untuk the Curve memproses Data Peribadi diberikan oleh anda dan/atau diperolehi sendiri oleh kami dari sumber-sumber sah yang lain (sekiranya ada) yang berkaitan dengan mana-mana transaksi perdagangan untuk mana-mana daripada tujuan berikut:
Anda dengan ini bersetuju untuk the Curve memproses Data Peribadi diberikan oleh anda dan/atau diperolehi sendiri oleh kami dari sumber-sumber sah yang lain (sekiranya ada) yang berkaitan dengan mana-mana transaksi perdagangan untuk mana-mana daripada tujuan berikut: